Phonetic analysis: from vowel charts to automated scripts.

Course Summary

This course is designed to provide the foundations for the use of PRAAT for phonetic analysis. 
You will learn how to analyze isolated voice samples as well as bigger sets of data.

Important: This tutorial will soon be updated with the latest version of PRAAT which has been released on March 25th, 2021. 
You can still access the lessons since most features covered in this tutorial remain the same in the updated version.
This self-paced tutorial is completely free, just click the 'preview' button of lesson 1 below to start.

If you are interested in learning more or analyzing specific sets of data, please send me a message by clicking on the button above. 

Make sure to include the specifics of what you need help with: field, type of data, context, project deadlines, etc.

Course Curriculum

Yazzy Ares

Course Pricing