Junior 2

An upper-intermediate course designed to guide you through drafting your first product or service project in English.

   Course Summary

The goal of the Junior English courses is to help you envision your professional future through the possibilities that an international language like English can give you. This is also a tandem-like course in which our students from Latin America and the students of Español de Negocios at the University of Kent in the UK can practice their English and Spanish in professional situations. 

Weekly Activities

This is a 4-week course and each week we have the following activities:


7:00pm CDT

We meet on Zoom to take the first class of the week. In this class, we explore the vocabulary and structures you will practice during the week. You'll also get a form with the materials and exercises for the class.



In this 15/20-minute lesson you will find a video, PDF materials and exercises to rehearse and increase your awareness of the topic that will be discussed in the tandem session that takes place the day after.


7:00am  CDT or 3:00pm  CDT

You can choose the session that best suits your schedule. These tandem sessions are designed for both: Business English and Español de Negocios. The group will practice half the class in each language.

summary and practice


This is a 15/20-minute lesson where you can go over a brief summary of the topics covered during the week, including the structures and vocabulary seen. You will also find tasks where you can put these into practice.

Course Curriculum



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Maribel Guzman

Wonderful course!

In this course, I learned about the different skills that I need to talk about the things I know. I always thought that I could not teach anything, but now I know that I can. Excellent content!

2 years ago
Diego Alvarez

Excellent course!

I enjoyed this course because it helped me to develop my creativity to create new material and ideas for my personal and professional life.

2 years ago
Angela Covarrubias

Una experencia de aventura!

Durante este curso aprendí muchas cosas importantes que pasaron a formar parte importante de mi aprendizaje. En lo personal puedo decir que este curso es muy completo y brinda un gran aprendizaje con cada una de las lecciones, actividades, videos y clases en vivo. Considero que tomar un curso de este tipo es una gran inversión que trae grandes beneficios, porque es genial la forma de interactuar con la maestra y los compañeros al compartir nuestros conocimientos y así aprender los unos de los otros. Recomiendo en su totalidad este curso.

2 years ago

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